Alisal Certified Farmers’ Market
Summer Hours: Open June 4th to October 22nd, 2024.
See below for new winter hours in 2024!
June to October: Tuesdays 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Produce Box Distribution: November to May: Tuesdays 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The box distribution will be closed on December 24 and 31 and will restart on January 7, 2025.
Located adjacent to the Women Infants & Children Nutrition center at 632 E Alisal St, Salinas, CA 93905
GREAT NEWS!! Starting November 5th, 2024 until May 2025, Everyone’s Harvest will be distributing free boxes of produce to anyone from a low-income household, thanks to the Farms Together Program. That’s $26 worth of fresh produce/box from the farmers who participate in the summer Alisal Farmers’ Market. The distribution will take place every Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. or until supplies last. The boxes will be distributed in the parking area behind the WIC office (where the WIC checks are distributed) next to the Salinas Indoor Swap Meet parking lot. In order to pick up a box, you need to show proof of low-income status, such as a WIC, EBT, or Medi-Cal card, etc.

The Alisal Market happily accepts EBT/WIC and conducts a Market Match program for EBT customers to increase their spending power. Ask about Market Match at the Information Booth!
Everyone’s Harvest is grateful for support from CalFresh Healthy Living, the Monterey Peninsula Foundation, the California Community Foundation, the Cislini Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County, the Clif Family Foundation, the Mike Haynes Charitable Foundation, the Richard W. Greenberg Foundation, the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Monterey Peninsula, MCGives!, and the USDA Farmers’ Market Promotion Program for the Alisal Market and Fresh Rx programs.
Free parking is available next to the Alisal Market.
Bus Route 41 & 42 Via Salinas Transit Center exit bus at E Alisal & Wood
Availability Chart:
Alisal Certified Farmers’ Market – Seasonal Produce and Flower Chart (PDF)
We love pets, but only service animals are allowed in the market.
CA Health & Safety Code: 114259.5
Thank you for your cooperation. It is a misdemeanor to fraudulently misrepresent service animals: CA Penal Code 365.7 (d)