Fresh Produce Prescription Program

This innovative partnership between healthcare providers and farmers’ markets focuses on preventive health care to fight the rise of chronic diseases related to nutrition insecurity. Doctors “prescribe” fresh fruits and vegetables to patients with or at risk for developing nutrition insecurity and chronic diet-related health conditions and direct them to the farmers’ markets where they can receive $25-$35 worth of fresh produce weekly.

The program began in 2014 with 8 patients at a local health clinic.  In 2024, more than 540 families have participated, and Everyone’s Harvest distributed $249,713 in healthy local fruit and vegetable “prescriptions” to families in need in our community.

To date, more than 1920 families have benefited from Everyone’s Harvest Fresh Rx program, and Everyone’s Harvest has redeemed nearly $930,500 in fresh produce “prescriptions.”

Everyone’s Harvest is so grateful to Salinas Valley Health, Natividad Medical Center, Central California Alliance for Health, USDA NIFA, GusNIP PPR project 2022-70424-38553, the Cislini Fund #2 Discretionary, Stephen and Madeleine Conran Fund, and Evelyn and Spencer Thompson Fund to Help Feed the Hungry of the Community Foundation for Monterey County., Monterey Peninsula Foundation, Montage Health, the Richard William Greenberg Foundation, and our Monterey County Gives donors for their incredible support for Fresh Rx families.


Fresh Rx: Fresh Produce Prescription Program